Get Vendor Account Activity
Endpoint to get the Account Activity for a vendor.
start_date and end_date timezone is optional, if no timezone is provided it will be converted to UTC timezone.
Topsort’s APIs are authenticated via bearer tokens. Requests must include an authorization header containing your private API key.
Don't have an API key yet? Learn how to generate one.
The header containing a private API key. Format this header as follows:
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>
Path Parameters
The External ID of the Vendor to retrieve.
The External ID of the Vendor to retrieve.
Query Parameters
The start of the date range for which to retrieve. Must include the Timezone definition.
The start of the date range for which to retrieve. Must include the Timezone definition.
The end of the date range for which to retrieve. Must include the Timezone definition.
The end of the date range for which to retrieve. Must include the Timezone definition.
Successful Response
This is the Response body for the Vendor Account Activity fetch.
Account Activity Lines have 3 reason types: 1.- Credit : single lines 2.- Topup : single lines 3.- Daily Ad Spend : aggregation by day
Validation Error