Upsert Products
Upsert products.
Topsort’s APIs are authenticated via bearer tokens. Requests must include an authorization header containing your private API key.
Don't have an API key yet? Learn how to generate one.
The header containing a private API key. Format this header as follows:
Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>
Request Body
The products to create or substitute.
A product is the minimum unit that can be sold within a marketplace catalog.
Products that exist in the catalog, whether they have stock or not. Change this to ‘false’ if you want to deactivate this product from the catalog. Soft-deleted products will be removed from active campaigns. Note: Any active products being upserted will be added to existing campaigns created through the Building Blocks service using the Promote My Shop feature.
The product brand information.
The brand ID.
The brand name.
The category IDs.
The product description.
Thirteen digit EAN-13 code.
The product ID.
The product image URL. Its size should be between 250x250 and 600x600 pixels. This is recommended in case the Topsort UI will be used to manage campaigns.
The product name.
The product price in the configured currency.
Marketplace’s internal quality score for the product. This in an optional advanced use case, for which we can provide some insights. Examples of metrics include the product’s rating, conversion rate, click through rate, combination of other metrics, etc.
The vendor IDs.
Successful Response
Validation Error